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Craft using the diamond painting technique, i. e. by gluing colourful little stones (or diamonds) onto a pre-printed design. Numbers on it mark the individual colours that need to be used, and also marked are the bags with stones of corresponding colours that are a part of each kit. In each kit, you’ll also find a special applicator for sticking the stones onto the canvas. Just choose a design, take up an applicator and start creating.
Size | 18 x 26 cm |
Note | 50 lined pages, diamonding time approx. 2 - 3 hours |
Product code | 50458 |
Size | 8 x 11,5 cm |
Note | set includes self-adhesive wooden plate with pattern, base, rhinestones, applicator, wax square, tray and instructions |
Product code | 48346 |
Size | 8 x 11,5 cm |
Note | set includes self-adhesive wooden plate with pattern, base, rhinestones, applicator, wax square, tray and instructions |
Product code | 48347 |
Size | 9 x 12 cm |
Note | set includes self-adhesive wooden plate with pattern, base, rhinestones, applicator, wax square, tray and instructions |
Product code | 48350 |
Size | 8 x 12 cm |
Note | set includes self-adhesive wooden plate with pattern, base, rhinestones, applicator, wax square, tray and instructions |
Product code | 48351 |
Size | 9 x 12 cm |
Note | set includes self-adhesive wooden plate with pattern, base, rhinestones, applicator, wax square, tray and instructions |
Product code | 48352 |
Size | 7,3 x 11,5 cm |
Note | set includes self-adhesive wooden plate with pattern, base, rhinestones, applicator, wax square, tray and instructions |
Product code | 48353 |
Size | 10 x 11,5 cm |
Note | set includes self-adhesive wooden plate with pattern, base, rhinestones, applicator, wax square, tray and instructions |
Product code | 48354 |
Size | 7,3 x 11,5 cm |
Note | set includes self-adhesive wooden plate with pattern, base, rhinestones, applicator, wax square, tray and instructions |
Product code | 48355 |
Size | 7,3 x 11,5 cm |
Note | set includes self-adhesive wooden plate with pattern, base, rhinestones, applicator, wax square, tray and instructions |
Product code | 48356 |
Size | 7 x 11,5 cm |
Note | set includes self-adhesive wooden plate with pattern, base, rhinestones, applicator, wax square, tray and instructions |
Product code | 48357 |
Size | 7,3 x 11,5 cm |
Note | set includes self-adhesive wooden plate with pattern, base, rhinestones, applicator, wax square, tray and instructions |
Product code | 48358 |
Size | 7,3 x 11,5 cm |
Note | set includes self-adhesive wooden plate with pattern, base, rhinestones, applicator, wax square, tray and instructions |
Product code | 48359 |
Size | 7,3 x 11,5 cm |
Note | set includes self-adhesive wooden plate with pattern, base, rhinestones, applicator, wax square, tray and instructions |
Product code | 48360 |
Size | 11 x 9,5 cm |
Note | set includes self-adhesive wooden plate with pattern, base, rhinestones, applicator, wax square, tray and instructions |
Product code | 48361 |
Size | 7 x 12,5 cm |
Note | set includes self-adhesive wooden plate with pattern, base, rhinestones, applicator, wax square, tray and instructions |
Product code | 48362 |
Size | 12 x 11,5 cm |
Note | set includes self-adhesive wooden plate with pattern, base, rhinestones, applicator, wax square, tray and instructions |
Product code | 48363 |
Size | 9 x 15 cm |
Note | set includes self-adhesive wooden plate with pattern, base, rhinestones, applicator, wax square, tray and instructions |
Product code | 48366 |
Size | 13 x 14 cm |
Note | set includes self-adhesive wooden plate with pattern, base, rhinestones, applicator, wax square, tray and instructions |
Product code | 48367 |
Size | 18 x 24 x 2,5 cm |
Note | set includes 3 self-adhesive patterns, 3 key rings, coloured rhinestones, applicator, wax square and tray |
Product code | 48368 |
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Široká nabídka,rychlé zaslání, příjemná paní prodavačka, obchod je blízko metra a tramvajové zastávky
+ Rychlost,příjemná paní,obchod blízko metra a tramvaje
Objednávka vyřízena rychle, k plné spokojenosti.
+ bohatá nabídka
Objednavala jsem po několikáté a jsem moc spokojená.
It’s still us, we just changed from Korá to Manumi. Ale nemusíte se bát, pořád u nás najdete všechny vaše oblíbené produkty, inspiraci a servis v kvalitě, na kterou jste zvyklí ;)