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Product information
This kit for making modelled candles with animal designs contains modelling wax in different colours, a candle wick as well as picture instructions for modelling a giraffe, a panda, a koala and a lion. Not suitable for children under 3 years or at your discretion. Crafting should always take place under adult supervision. Always light the candle on a non-flammable mat only and don’t let it burn unsupervised. This kit will also make a great gift.
Size | 20 x 14 x 4 cm |
Note | set includes soy wax, glass jar, wicks, essence, decorative crystals, dried flowers and instructions |
Product code: | 48270-1 |
EU distributor: Manumi Crafts s.r.o., IČO/ID: 24260452 |
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