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FIMO Air clay is a new way of creating using air-drying clay. Your modelling will not be bound to your home anymore - now you can create whenever and wherever. FIMO Air clay can then be coloured on or drilled or sanded. It is very light and therefore perfectly suitable for creating hanging decorations. It is water-based, which adds softness and makes moulding details much easier. Try our Self-hardening Manumi clays too, with natural base that will ensure completely natural look of the product. If you really yearn for a standard block of this clay, look into the FIMO 57g category.
In design | white |
Weight | 500 g |
Manufacturer code | 8100-0 |
Product code | 21423 |
In design | nude |
Weight | 500 g |
Manufacturer code | 8100-43 |
Product code | 21424 |
In design | white |
Weight | 1000 g |
Manufacturer code | 8101-0 |
Product code | 21426 |
In design | nude |
Weight | 1000 g |
Manufacturer code | 8101-43 |
Product code | 21427 |
In design | white |
Weight | 250 g |
Manufacturer code | 8131-0 |
Product code | 21429 |
In design | white |
Weight | 125 g |
Manufacturer code | 8133-0 |
Product code | 21432 |
In design | grey |
Weight | 350 g |
Manufacturer code | 8150-G8 |
Product code | 47947 |
In design | brown |
Weight | 350 g |
Manufacturer code | 8150-W7 |
Product code | 47948 |
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Široká nabídka,rychlé zaslání, příjemná paní prodavačka, obchod je blízko metra a tramvajové zastávky
+ Rychlost,příjemná paní,obchod blízko metra a tramvaje
Objednávka vyřízena rychle, k plné spokojenosti.
+ bohatá nabídka
Objednavala jsem po několikáté a jsem moc spokojená.
It’s still us, we just changed from Korá to Manumi. Ale nemusíte se bát, pořád u nás najdete všechny vaše oblíbené produkty, inspiraci a servis v kvalitě, na kterou jste zvyklí ;)