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You can use this creative kit for making felt flowers to make original flowers that will adorn any home or clothing. The kit contains 9 felt pieces in the 20 x 30 cm format, 2 felt pieces in the 15 x 20 cm format, 1 light pink 8 m long cotton thread and 6 paper-wrapped wires. With this felt kit, you can make various floral decorations and you don’t have to stick only to the designs on the cover! You can give space to your imagination and make up, for example, your own flowers or something completely different that you can make using felt, cotton threads and wires. This kit is suitable even for complete beginners and kids will enjoy crafting with it as well.
Size | 20 x 30 cm |
Note | set includes 9 felts 20x30cm, 2 felts 15x20cm, cotton yarn and 6 wires |
Product code: | 48554-1 |
EU distributor: Manumi Crafts s.r.o., IČO/ID: 24260452 |
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