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Size | 21 x 22 x 11 cm |
Note | starter kit for beginners. 1x cord, 20x wooden bead, 1x metal ring, 1x felt, 1x glue and instructions |
Product code | 46423 |
Size | 21 x 22 x 11 cm |
Note | set includes wire bases, rocaille cones, plastic bead mix and instructions |
Product code | 47974 |
Size | 21 x 22 x 11 cm |
Note | starter kit for beginners. 1x macramé cord, 2x wooden ring and 15x wooden bead and instructions |
Product code | 46424 |
Size | 21 x 22 x 11 cm |
Note | set contains min. 11 stones, set of 9 pigment markers, 2 contour markers and instructions |
Product code | 47606 |
In design | AC100 |
Size | 36 x 25,5 x 10 cm |
Note | starter kit for beginners |
Product code | 48441 |
In design | AC100 |
Size | 28 x 15,5 x 10 cm |
Note | starter kit for beginners |
Product code | 48440 |
In design | AC100 |
Size | 28 x 15,5 x 10 cm |
Note | starter kit for beginners |
Product code | 48438 |
In design | AC100 |
Size | 28 x 15,5 x 10 cm |
Note | starter kit for beginners |
Product code | 48439 |
In design | AC100 |
Size | 27,5 x 16 x 10,5 cm |
Note | separate liquid without powder |
Product code | 48203 |
In design | AC100 |
Size | 27,5 x 16 x 10,5 cm |
Note | starter kit for beginners |
Product code | 48202 |
In design | AC100 |
Size | 23 x 11 x 10,5 cm |
Note | starter kit for beginners |
Product code | 48201 |
In design | AC100 |
Size | 24 x 15 x 9 cm |
Note | starter kit for beginners |
Product code | 46154 |
Size | cca 12 - 14 cm |
Note | package contains yarn, crochet hook, eyelets, filler and instructions |
Product code | 47745 |
Size | cca 11 - 13 cm |
Note | package contains yarn, crochet hook, eyelets, filler and instructions |
Product code | 47746 |
Size | cca 9 - 11 cm |
Note | package contains yarn, crochet hook, eyelets, filler and instructions |
Product code | 47747 |
Size | cca 9 - 11 cm |
Note | package contains yarn, crochet hook, eyelets, filler and instructions |
Product code | 47748 |
Size | cca 12 - 14 cm |
Note | package contains yarn, crochet hook, eyelets, filler and instructions |
Product code | 47749 |
Size | cca 8 - 9 cm |
Note | package contains yarn, crochet hook, eyelets, filler and instructions |
Product code | 47750 |
Size | 21,5 x 31,5 x 4,5 cm |
Note | set includes glue eyes, coloured feathers, beads, pompoms, small pins, chenille wires and more |
Product code | 47915 |
Size | 21,5 x 31,5 x 3 cm |
Note | set includes glitter paper, glue eyes, chenille wire, glitter washi tape and more |
Product code | 47916 |
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