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Together with our designers, we’ve prepared kits with which you can try out basic techniques of working with cords and yarn. Whether you’re more attracted to macramé or crocheting, in our starter kits you’ll find all the material and manuals needed for you to try out the techniques. Starter kit is also a great gift for everyone who likes exploring new areas of crafting.
Size | 21 x 22 x 11 cm |
Note | starter kit for beginners. 1x cord, 2x basket bottom (plywood), 1x bamboo hook, 4x plastic blunt needle and instructions |
Product code | 46425 |
Size | 21 x 22 x 11 cm |
Note | set includes yarn, 15 wooden beads with large hole, wooden rod, wooden circle, 5 wooden rings, glue and picture instructions |
Product code | 49491 |
Size | 21 x 22 x 11 cm |
Note | starter kit for beginners. 1x cord, 20x wooden bead, 1x metal ring, 1x felt, 1x glue and instructions |
Product code | 46423 |
Size | 21 x 22 x 11 cm |
Note | starter kit for beginners. 1x macramé cord, 2x wooden ring and 15x wooden bead and instructions |
Product code | 46424 |
Size | 16,5 x 21 x 3,5 cm |
Note | set includes two yarns, wooden beads with a hole, wooden wheels and instructions |
Product code | 47918 |
Size | 16,5 x 21 x 3,5 cm |
Note | set includes two yarns, wooden beads with a hole, wooden rod and instructions |
Product code | 47919 |
Size | 24 x 23 x 6,5 cm |
Note | set includes 100m macramé cord, 2 wooden rings and picture instructions |
Product code | 48267 |
Size | 22,5 x 18,5 x 4 cm |
Note | set includes various yarns, decorative string, pompoms, buttons, needle, carabiner and picture instructions |
Product code | 48271 |
Size | 22,5 x 18,5 x 4 cm |
Note | set includes various yarns, decorative string, pompom, felt, carabiner and picture instructions |
Product code | 48272 |
Size | 18,5 x 18,5 x 2 cm |
Note | necklace set includes metal base, macramé yarn and picture instructions |
Product code | 49238 |
Size | 18,5 x 18,5 x 2 cm |
Note | earring set includes 2 metal bases, macramé yarn and picture instructions |
Product code | 49239 |
Size | 33 x 25 x 7 cm |
Note | package contains 6 yarns, 7 polystyrene eggs, crochet hook, embroidery needle and instructions |
Product code | 48211 |
Size | 33 x 25 x 7 cm |
Note | package contains 6 yarns, 7 polystyrene eggs, crochet hook, embroidery needle and instructions |
Product code | 48212 |
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Široká nabídka,rychlé zaslání, příjemná paní prodavačka, obchod je blízko metra a tramvajové zastávky
+ Rychlost,příjemná paní,obchod blízko metra a tramvaje
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+ bohatá nabídka
Objednavala jsem po několikáté a jsem moc spokojená.
It’s still us, we just changed from Korá to Manumi. Ale nemusíte se bát, pořád u nás najdete všechny vaše oblíbené produkty, inspiraci a servis v kvalitě, na kterou jste zvyklí ;)