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Chips from natural minerals and precious stones have natural patterns which are unique on each piece. It is believed that minerals and precious stones radiate energy that awakens our organism, calms down the mind and strengthens the soul. We recommend stringing the chips on double lycra yarn and use TieraCast pendants, Czech chaton components or silver pendants as embellishments!
In design | natural mineral |
Size | 5 - 8 mm |
Hole width | 1 mm |
Locations | Uruguay |
Product code | 48442 |
In design | natural mineral |
Size | 5 - 8 mm |
Hole width | 1 mm |
Locations | Austrálie, Indie |
Product code | 48443 |
In design | natural mineral |
Size | 5 - 8 mm |
Hole width | 1 mm |
Locations | Brazílie |
Product code | 48444 |
In design | natural mineral |
Size | 5 - 8 mm |
Hole width | 1 mm |
Locations | Jižní Afrika, Čína |
Product code | 48445 |
In design | natural mineral |
Size | 5 - 8 mm |
Hole width | 1 mm |
Locations | Kanada |
Product code | 48446 |
In design | natural mineral |
Size | 5 - 8 mm |
Hole width | 1 mm |
Locations | Jižní Afrika |
Product code | 48447 |
In design | natural mineral |
Size | 5 - 8 mm |
Hole width | 1 mm |
Locations | Madagaskar |
Product code | 48448 |
In design | natural mineral |
Size | 5 - 8 mm |
Hole width | 1 mm |
Locations | Indie |
Product code | 48449 |
In design | natural mineral |
Size | 5 - 8 mm |
Hole width | 1 mm |
Locations | Brazílie |
Product code | 48450 |
In design | natural mineral |
Size | 5 - 8 mm |
Hole width | 1 mm |
Locations | Austrálie |
Product code | 48451 |
In design | natural mineral |
Size | 5 - 8 mm |
Hole width | 1 mm |
Locations | USA |
Product code | 48452 |
In design | natural mineral |
Size | 5 - 8 mm |
Hole width | 1 mm |
Locations | Brazílie |
Product code | 48453 |
In design | natural mineral |
Size | 5 - 8 mm |
Hole width | 1 mm |
Locations | Afghánistán |
Product code | 48454 |
In design | synthetic mineral |
Size | 5 - 8 mm |
Hole width | 1 mm |
Locations | Čína |
Product code | 48455 |
In design | synthetic mineral |
Size | 5 - 8 mm |
Hole width | 1 mm |
Locations | Čína |
Product code | 48456 |
In design | natural coloured mineral |
Size | 5 - 8 mm |
Hole width | 1 mm |
Locations | Rakousko |
Product code | 48457 |
In design | natural mineral |
Size | 5 - 8 mm |
Hole width | 1 mm |
Locations | Peru |
Product code | 48458 |
In design | natural mineral |
Size | 5 - 8 mm |
Hole width | 1 mm |
Locations | Myanmar |
Product code | 48459 |
In design | natural mineral |
Size | 5 - 8 mm |
Hole width | 1 mm |
Locations | Indie |
Product code | 48460 |
In design | natural mineral |
Size | 5 - 8 mm |
Hole width | 1 mm |
Locations | Kanada |
Product code | 48461 |
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